The 2013 APS Autumn National is being judged in Adelaide this year. The judging will take place at the Centre for Creative Photography, 138 Richmond Road, MARLESTON from 9.30 a.m. on Saturday 25th May.
Typically, some 40 -50 Audio-Visual sequences are entered, and anyone interested in the AV medium is most welcome to attend. Judging is likely to take most of the day. Although the Centre has kitchen facilities, those attending are asked to bring their own tea, coffee etc, and lunch if planning to spend the whole day at the judging.
Judges will be: Charles Hulse FRPS, AV-AFIAP
Anne Emmett AAPS
Mike Lim Dip. Photo Imaging
There will be breaks for morning and afternoon tea and lunch.
Please direct all enquiries to John Hodgson Tel: 84317452 or